About the Introduce Yourself category

New members: please introduce yourself, by creating a topic in this category!

Hey there, and welcome to the jimmyjoy-plennyshake forums!

We love having new members to have more fun with, just as much as we love nutrients, fun and time! Actually, we might even love this community a bit more. :slightly_smiling: We encourage you to introduce yourself by creating a new topic in this category! You can write whatever you want to share about yourself, jimmyjoy-plennyshake-related, and non-jimmyjoy-plennyshake-related things. Don’t be afraid; we won’t bite, usually. (Heck; half of us don’t even know how to chew anymore*.)

Please, only create one topic in this category, and make sure your username is in the title. We encourage you to fill in your profile as well, and to read the forum rules. If you’ve got any questions; you can always ask the community, or @customer_support.

*This might not be completely true. I, for example, know very well how to chew. Grr. :imp:

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