I think it’s great that there’s an option to order a single bar now. I can test the lemon pie flavor without having to worry about returning the rest of the box if I don’t like it. But one thing you could improve on is making the option visible on the Plenny Bar page. I almost didn’t notice it at checkout.
Where does one do this? I just tried adding a box to cart, there’s just ‘go to checkout’ with a full box in my cart. Same if I add the product to my subscription. I’d be interested in ordering 1 plenny bar lemon pie as well if I could, to try it out, but I don’t see how?
At checkout when you’re choosing your address, etc, there’s a box on the right side to choose a bar and a drink.
Oh, nice!
It would be even nicer if it was available in the “add one-time items to my next subscription order”
*hint hint, nudge nudge to the folks at JimmyJoy *.
THIS! It would make so much sense there…
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