10 days in Beijing Customs?

I got a call today saying jimmyjoy-plennyshake would take 10 days in customs…what are my options here? It would be difficult to buy more than a month at a time but it looks like I will have many days without food if this is a regular occurrence. Is there anything you can do to help out?

The UPS people don’t speak English, my girlfriend helped me a little but she doesn’t really understand what is going on either.



Here is an email I received for reference, not in English so I only have a Bing translation, you know, because there isn’t any Google around here :stuck_out_tongue: :




自2015年5月1日起,UPS将对所有由发件人承担关税(F/D)的KJ3类报关的货物,加收2%的税金垫付手续费,最低的垫付手续费为每票20元人民币。备注: 包含所有网购货物(B2C模式).







Shang Yu(Canna)


Tel: 86-0551-65988262

Email: syu@ups.com

My UPS log is as follows:

Beijing, China 2016/04/25 16:20 Documentation for personal belongings is missing and is required from the receiver.
2016/04/25 14:20 Documentation required for import is incomplete or missing. We are working to obtain this information.
Beijing, China 2016/04/24 22:36 Warehouse Scan
2016/04/24 22:10 Import Scan
2016/04/24 21:30 Arrival Scan
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 2016/04/24 14:50 Departure Scan
2016/04/24 2:43 Arrival Scan
Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2016/04/23 15:41 Departure Scan
2016/04/23 13:17 Arrival Scan
Koeln, Germany 2016/04/23 5:01 Departure Scan
2016/04/23 0:58 Arrival Scan
Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016/04/22 21:06 Departure Scan
2016/04/22 20:13 Origin Scan
2016/04/22 15:30 Collection Scan
Netherlands 2016/04/22 6:20 Order Processed: Ready for UPS

I filled out my order using all required fields yet It sounds like the order wasn’t filed properly? What does this mean and how will it be resolved?



Just got this one to add, also in Chinese. I guess there are some forms that I will get someone to translate, scan and mail back. I just wish UPS used English… :’(

尊敬的客户您好:这里是UPS国际快递,在我司与您取得联系后3天内提交全部个人物品申报文件即免收仓储费。请严格按照附件中“个人到货通知书(Arrival Notice-Personal)”准备并填写申报文件,否则无法办理包裹的入境手续,无法入境的包裹只能依照相关法律法规退运或者销毁.单封邮件请勿超过6MB,如邮件附件太大请分批回传.海关审批时间大约需要2周左右请保持手机畅通耐心等待,Richard Song,010-61470107

So I think the forms are taken care of…fortunately my workplace is full of people who are more competent than I :stuck_out_tongue: I will give an update soon. Hopefully after the first shipment we can streamline this process or something. I just don’t wanna wait 10 days for my order…and I would like UPS to send correspondences and information in English.

It appears that my package has just stopped. There is no explanation, only that UPS no longer has my package. Does this mean a refund is being processed? What is going on? I tried calling the UPS people who called me the other day but they didn’t answer. I submitted my passport, copy of my visa and filled out several pages of documentation which I guess was supposed to satisfy customs? Again, I don’t really understand what is happening because UPS is unable to communicate with me directly (no English).

Would someone from jimmyjoy-plennyshake be kind enough to mediate this for me? At this point I would be willing to pay a bit more to make this happen…I dumped my food budget into this and my girlfriend, soon to be wife is furious because she things I am just blowing money. I don’t know what to do, I just really want my food. It was supposed to be delivered today according to the previous UPS tracking information. I was planning on have my last dinner tonight before relying on jimmyjoy-plennyshake the next month. Plus, with the 44 bags of Wake Up I kinda blew my coffee budget too…

Where are you jimmyjoy-plennyshake? Help please!!

Hi Shawn,
Isabel from jimmyjoy-plennyshake here! I’m sorry you’re having trouble with receiving your order. If you email us at love@jimmyjoy.com we’d love to get this all sorted for you. If the parcel indeed can’t get delivered we can of course always refund you for it or reship the order. So, no need to worry! Every little things is gonna be alright :slight_smile: