'high' sugar content?

From the nutritional facts:
175 grams of Plenny Shake contains about 10 grams of sugar. Meaning that 3 shakes equal to about 30 grams of sugar.
3 shakes contain about 2092 kcal

As far as I can find on the internet the ‘required’ amount of calories to remain at the same weight for a male is about 2000-2500 kcal. So I assume that for some 3 shakes alone wont be enough.
As far as I can find online the recommended maximum dose of sugar is about 150 kcal ~= 38 grams for men and 100 kcal ~= 26 grams for women.

So am I correct thinking that Plenny Shake is at the border of maximum recommended consumption? Is there a reason why there is ‘so much’ sugar in it? (some competitors that I know of have less sugar in them)
To be clear: I’m not trying to point fingers or say that Plenny Shake is unhealthy but I was just wondering if there is any nutritional reason for it as it seems like you (JimmyJoy) do try to make the shake healthy.

PS: ‘high’ and ‘so much’ are between quotation marks because if you would compare Plenny Shake to the average diet it contains a lot less sugar and therefore Plenny Shake should be healthier :slight_smile:

source for the recommended sugar intake: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/eating-too-much-added-sugar-increases-the-risk-of-dying-with-heart-disease-201402067021


Hello Golden,

Indeed the sugar intake in the current formula for Plenny Shake could be lower, not exceeding an unhealthy amount but it could be less, I concur. At the moment I’m working on a new formula for the Plenny Shake in which the sugar content is reduced.

<3 Karel


Awesome to hear that!
Could you please also forward this to the person who is responsible for the packaging/sizes:
Not sure if this was already suggested but would it be possible to make 1/3/5 KG bags or 10/30/50 Portion bags?
I do understand the concept of 1 bag per day but honestly I don’t find it that useful as a daily consumer as I don’t need to take the powder with me. I find Myprotein’s big bags much easier to use: bigger at the top so I spill less, and also easier to get everything out of them due to their design and the fact that you get 49 portions before you need to get the last out of your bag for the 50th portion instead of having to do that every 3 portions.

Other than that I’m totally in love with Plenny Shake. I would just like it to be easier to consume more :wink:


Great idea @golden! We are actually in the process of discussing the possibilities at the moment, but we’re not sure what and if we’re going to change anything, so don’t get your hopes up just yet!

A great idea indeed! I would love to order one, much larger bag every time. Less plastic and messing around.

Also happy to hear about the new recipe with less sugar.


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Looking forward to buying a low sugar (high-fat) version, any ETA possible?

I also agree with the bag size. I enjoy the 5KG bags from MyProtein. I used to buy a tub of protein powder now I just refill the same tub, so much less packaging waste. Joy-lent is all bags so the savings are much smaller (<50%iirc) but I think the bigger advantage is the ease of use.

Can’t really say much about the ETA since it’s dependent of a lot of logistical factors.

I can, however, confirm that the new formula will be higher in fat and the sugar content will be lowered (+ a few more things :slight_smile: )

We take feedback from the community very serious so i can also tell you that we are experimenting with different bag sizes.