Marketing annoyance

Hey ,
i’ve been using jimmy joy products almost daily since quite some time. It’s awesome and i hope you keep going.
I love hearing from you, new products and all so i’m pleased to received the newsletter.

However, lately i’m disapointed. You deleted the time token programs wich was great to reward fidelity. Ok it’s your choice.

Now i received email proposing a free bag of protein with an order. For new customers only !
I tried it and the coupon can’t be used, because i’m not a new customer. Why i am receiving email for promotion wich i’m excluded of ? and why do you exclude former customers ?

i don’t really care if you want to grow your audience and how you do it but don’t forget your daily users and don’t send proposition wich they are excluded of : that’s annoying and you are not alone in the market.



Hey @alex_u ,

First of all, thank you so much for being a customer for some time! It truly means a lot to us that you’ve been enjoying our products daily :blush:

We completely understand your frustration, and we want to sincerely apologize for the mistake. There was an issue with how the email was sent out, and unfortunately, it reached some of our existing customers who weren’t eligible for the promotion. That was never our intention, and we’re actively working to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

We absolutely value our long-term customers, and we don’t want you to feel left out. While this particular promo was targeted at new customers, we’re always looking for ways to reward our current customers!

Again, we are really sorry for the mix-up :sweat:

I would like to add to this that we’re working on new rewards program. We also have the occasional offer that counts for both recurring and new customers. An example of this is the free Plenny Shake chocolate for all orders that exceed €99+

I’m annoyed by the amount of marketing email you send. I wish I could only receive mails with discounts or freebies (only once per discount! No reminders!) and not general reminds to buy stuff (I have a paused subscription already, why are you reminding me that you exist?)