For the order no. #R485931166, I was expecting 30 standard whey bags and 10 vegan but the box only has 10 vegan bags. The paper in the box has details of all 40 bags for some reason.
Could you please confirm if there’s a delay in shipping of the remaining 30 bags or if the package has been misplaced?
One of my orders also arrived split. It was rather big, so I guess they couldn’t put it in one package, first I got the bars and then the powder. The paper of course was only in one of them. Also, the time difference was rather big, I think 2 days or so.
Hi there! When checking up on your order, it looks like the second package is still on its way to you just let us know if you don’t receive it within the following days by sending a mail to
Well I don’t have any problem with split arrival as long as shipping information for both the packages is provided after shipping and the inventory sheet inside the box only has information for the bags in that box. That is not what happened in this case; existence and shipping information for second box was confirmed after I wrote to Jimmyjoy support.