Shipping/customs to Canada

What are the shipping times to Canada typically like? Are the packages routed through the US?

Apparently someone had his order seized because of some prohibited ingredient but going through the ingredients list I don’t see anything that stands out and it should be ok to import into Canada if it’s FDA-approved.

There is no reason that the packages should be seized in either country, but you can imagine that government employees who are overworked and underpaid sometimes don’t check things correctly! I think that the US and Canada share some customs laws and import control laws so if something is routed through the USA then sometimes Canada will “ask” the USA to inspect and determine if that shipment is legal. I had a shipment captured by US customs (I am in the US), but jimmyjoy-plennyshake sent another shipment right away and it passed fine. jimmyjoy-plennyshake has FDA permits to import jimmyjoy-plennyshake, so who knows what the problem was.

Hi @Eiwilsen !

Good question :-).
Usually delivery times to Canada are no longer than 5 business days. However, the parcels are routed through the US and as you can see in this topic here:

we are having some issues with US customs. Hopefully we will have this sorted soon as there is indeed no reason that our product should be rejected.

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