Shout to support vegan bars!

Shout to support vegan bars!


I want them too <3 Please make them Jimmy Joy !


We’re working on it! <3


Good to know, thanks! ETA? I would preorder.

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Bark Bark Bark! :paw_prints::paw_prints: grrrrrr… kiddin’ :laughing:

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I would like those, too. Actually, I imagine you could model Vegan Twenny-Bar demand by calculating the percentage of Twenny-Bar demand to non-Vegan Jimmy Joy demand, then use that percentage for Vegan Jimmy Joy . It might not be perfect, but all models are wrong (but some are useful) (George Box).

The calculation would look like this:

D20 - Twenny-Bar demand per month (e.g. 100,000 bars)
JNV - Plennyshake (non-Vegan) demand per month (e.g. 1,000,000 bags)
JV - Plennyshake (Vegan) demand per month (e.g. 500,000 bags)
D20V - Twenny-Bar (Vegan) demand per month (?)

D20V = D20/JNV x JV
Using the example figures, it would be:
D20V = 100,000/1,000,000 x 500,000 = 50,000 Vegan Twenny-bars

I was going to try to convert Twenny-bar daily demand (5 bars = 1 jimmyjoy-plennyshake bag), but it doesn’t matter-- the percentage still works, as long as you’re consistent with your units.

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We don’t know yet, sorry!

Thanks for the calculation! We’re not really worried about the demand though, it’s just that we haven’t fully developed the vegan bars yet :slight_smile:


Another post to support vegan bars! Would even preorder.


What’s the ETA on these?

Let me just warn you! If the vegan TwennyBars are not availabe any time soon… I’m going to be pretty sad actually :frowning:

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We’re definitely working on the vegan bars!

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Please take my money!


I would preorder.

Please take my money.

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We’re doing the best we can <3

What’s the update on vegan bars?

We are working on it, we have made several prototypes. But to get it vegan and still having the same taste as the non-vegan is the tricky part. I hope to have it done in Q1 2018.


Q1 2018 Has hit! How’s it going? Really, really looking forward to this.

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Karel, thanks for the update.

Why does JJ consider having the same taste to be important?

Heya @skipskid we have had some difficulties getting it just right, my estimation of Q1 2018 was maybe a bit to rash.

@Grant_Barnes Well, we really want everyone to consider the vegan bars as their new standard, therefore everyone how really likes the taste of our current non-vegan bars should equally like the vegan bars.

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