Slovenia shipping costs

Hello, I’d just like to put a topic up here about shipping costs to Slovenia because… I’m from Slovenia lol

I was hesitant due to the shipping costs but decided to try out JimmyJoy anyways and I’m just very satisfied with everything. Except the shipping costs are really giving me a big minus.

There is a competitor out there that does offer shipping for free over 50eur to Slovenia. We are in Europe Union. Our neighbour countries Italy, Austria, Hungary do get your free shipping over certain amount.

I sincerely request if this situation could be brought up to your higher bosses etc, looked up again and researched, if there’s anything that could be arranged to offer free shipping. I’d be happy with free shipping over 100eur or even 150eur.

Thank you for your time guys.

Hi Spider,

Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback and for giving JimmyJoy a try—I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying our products! :blush:

I totally get your point about the shipping costs. They’re mainly influenced by how much we ship to each country, and right now, our shipping volume to Slovenia is a bit lower compared to some of the other EU countries, which makes it tricky to offer the same rates.

That said, as somebody who is born in Slovenia I’ll do my best to bring this up with our team to see if there’s anything we can do to improve shipping options for Slovenia in the future.

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That’s great to hear! I really hope the shipping cost will change! Držim pesti :smiley: Hvala!

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I have recently asked about the same thing (in a chat) but about shipping to Croatia. I was told shipping service contracts run for a number of years but can be renegotiated afterwards.
As for shipping volumes, one can expect low shipping volumes when shipping rates are high. Free shipping over a certain amount certainly is a big incentive to start ordering a product.
I have been lucky to be dividing my time between Germany and Croatia so I just bring the stuff in a suitcase but to really gain a foothold in a country, free shipping is essential.