Vitamin E level in twennybars

I’m checking the nutrition and ingredient information, and I noticed that in the banana flavour the vitamin E amount is 35% of daily recommended intake, while in the chocolate flavour it’s 74%.

Which means during a day of eating 5 chocolate tweenybar, the intake of vitamin E would be 370% of the recommended daily amount.

Could you explain the reason behind the difference of the banana and chocolate flavour in the amount of vitamin E and also why there is more than the recommended intake for both of them? I assume you are still well within safety limits, just wondering.

I also noted Chloride which is at 44% in both of them. Could you tell your reasoning behind increasing this quite significantly beyond the recommended value aswell?

I will ask our food technologist to answer your question :slight_smile: he’ll reply shortly!

Interesting question of Helmer. Is there already a reply available?

Karel will get back to you shortly :slight_smile: I just sent him a reminder to answer you guys!

Hey Helmer!

I’m looking into this, i’ll get back once I know more! <3

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So. Do we know more yet Karel? :wink:

Hey DonBhupi,

The vitamin E is coming from two sources which contribute to the overall level.
The first source is the a vitamin/mineral blend which is added to reach the RDA claims. For shelf life we also add an antioxidant to the bar Natural Mixed Tocopherols. This is to prevent components in the bar oxidising over time, the antioxidant will contribute to the vitamin E levels, which is why they are high.

With love!
