Apple Cinnamon is available for purchase - limited stock!

Quick heads up guys as I know many of you here loved the apple cinnamon Christmas edition :slight_smile: .
It will be available for online purchase within the next few minutes. It is limited edition so if you want some - huuuuurry!


Edit: Didn’t see the other products tab, 4 bought! :smile:

Are they already out of stock? D:

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Direct link might help, as it seems a little difficult to find it at first:


Awesome, ordered 10 bags. It’s a little overpriced though. :neutral_face:

Not at all because you can’t buy in a pack like the other flavours but if you compare 1 bag=9€ 6€ w/3 meals you can have an apple/cinnamon w/3 meals for 7,5 euros, it’s not as cheap because of limited edition :relaxed:

Edit: My bad, the 9 euro is for a bag in retail here

@truck thanks for posting the link! good one indeed :slight_smile:

I’m just checking in, given that Apple & Cinnamon is out of stock again, will it come back? I really miss it.

@vegardx The Apple Cinnamon was a limited stock and will most likely not come back again, sorry! :frowning:

Apple Cinnamon was amazing! =D I wished I had more :frowning:

That’s too bad. I was about to make another order, but without Apple Cinnamon on the table I think I gonna wait or look for something else. Not to happy with the other flavours, they aren’t bad but Apple Cinnamon was really yummy. I still have to try mango though .

Hi everyone! As we loved apple cinnamon just as much as you all did, we’re definitely considering making it a regular flavour :slight_smile: would you all be interested in that?


I’m way too late for this but if it comes again, I’m definitely going to purchase some.


@isabel does that offer still stand? Where can I dump my money?

which offer exactly? :slight_smile:

we’re definitely considering making it a regular flavour :slight_smile: would you all be interested in that?

Yes! We’re still interested :innocent:

Great to hear! We don’t have any plans on making it a regular flavour yet, but it’s definitely still an option.

I would also love it!


Yes, pleeeeease add it as a regular flavor.

@flehm @Veitinio @jaycawb we unfortunately won’t bring back the Apple Cinnamon this winter, but we do have something you’ll love in store for you! Keep an eye on our socials if you want to stay updated :slight_smile: it should be here no later than early December…!