Boozed up plenny drinks

Hi there,

Over the past week I’ve been experimenting with the plenny drinks (vanilla and chocolate) and created two signature jimmyjoy cocktails that got very good feedback from my testing group (my hubby and neighbours)

It’s great for weekends. No longer you have to waste time on making dinner if you can get wasted while drinking your favourite meal replacement shake.

Anyone else here that successfully mixed up some cocktails using any of the jimmyjoy products? Would love to share recipes!


you can’t leave us hanging like this, signature jimmyjoy cocktails sounds awesome!

What are the recipies? :smiley:

I still need to take some pictures for the ‘serving suggestion’ but will share the recipe with pictures once done. I am currently abroad, so I will have to wait until I am back to order a new Plenny Drinks batch.

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hahah OH GOD! share the recipes pleaseeee. I wanna try it!
I am thinking of vanilla with rum or chocolate with hazelnut vodka/baileys.

White Russians work well with Plenny Drink Vanilla

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That’s what I did and called it a ‘hungry Russian’

A white Russian made with chocolate milk is called a dirty Belgian so I replaced the chocolate milk with plenny drink chocolate and called it the ‘dirty Jimmy’

To keep enough chocolate flavour I mixed the chocolate plennydrink with baileys chocolate in a 2/3 plennydrink / 1/3 baileys chocolate.

Serve both of them with a dash of whipped cream on top