Shipping inside Europe

Hey all,

sorry if this is the wrong place for this question, just thought that maybe other people in the forum would be interested in this :slight_smile:

I noticed that the shipment of my new subscription is being handled by UPS (even tho I chose BudBee at the checkout, as that as worked flawlessly in the past - I’m ordering from Finland, btw).
Now, the problem is that UPS is terrible (to say the least) to handle deliveries - like, next level terrible. Anyway, I don’t want to turn this into a post where I rant about how much I hate UPS, so back to my question: is there any way I can avoid UPS shipment for the next deliveries? Is the UPS choice based on the total weight of the delivery? If that’s the case, I will probably have a huge moral dilemma between trying to be environmentally conscious and avoid multiple deliveries and having to deal with the stress and anxiety of not knowing where my shakes will end :smiley:

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Hi @Frank

This is always the right place, but the better options would have been to check in with the customer care team through the Live Chat option on the website or by emailing
The shipping option is based on weight, but we can set an exception for the subscription for our customers so it is shipped with Budbee for you.
Kindly reach out to one of the above channels and we will gladly assist with that.


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You all are the best :heart: I will do it, thanks a lot!

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