Hey all,
sorry if this is the wrong place for this question, just thought that maybe other people in the forum would be interested in this
I noticed that the shipment of my new subscription is being handled by UPS (even tho I chose BudBee at the checkout, as that as worked flawlessly in the past - I’m ordering from Finland, btw).
Now, the problem is that UPS is terrible (to say the least) to handle deliveries - like, next level terrible. Anyway, I don’t want to turn this into a post where I rant about how much I hate UPS, so back to my question: is there any way I can avoid UPS shipment for the next deliveries? Is the UPS choice based on the total weight of the delivery? If that’s the case, I will probably have a huge moral dilemma between trying to be environmentally conscious and avoid multiple deliveries and having to deal with the stress and anxiety of not knowing where my shakes will end