Travelling to the US


I was wondering if it is allowed to take a closed bag of JJ on my upcoming trip to the US or will its powdery content be too suspicious for the scanners?
What about the bars, would those be OK to take?



Hi @timotheuseum !

For that one, we would advise to check in with the local airport/airline to see what their policy is on bringing in food that is sealed. It should be okay to bring as checked baggage we would say. We would love to hear how that turned out for you.


I recently traveled to the US with JJ food without any problem.

I had portioned it out in 1l ziplock bags, so I wouldn’t have to measure anything. Just add water to my shaker, dump one bag of powder in there, shake and drink :slight_smile:

Anyway. I had a few of those ziplock bags and a couple of bars in my checked luggage (also had some ziplock bags of protein powder). I also had a couple of ziplock bags in my carry-on together with some bars.

No problems whatsoever :+1:

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Nice! Thanks for letting us know here, very helpful for people that were considering that.
