We need your help getting in retail

Hey guys,

We’re currently very busy exploring the retail possibilities for jimmyjoy-plennyshake and we would love your help! We want to connect with your local stores, so if you could tell us which stores might be interested in selling jimmyjoy-plennyshake please let us know so we can contact them :-). We’re looking forward to your suggestions!



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What kind of store are you thinking of?
(Little grocery store, big company stores or relay stores)

Awesome but the deliver system is already perfect for me!
Buying a bag a food powder can be weird for a lot of people, wouldn’t it be easier to sell it as a bottle like Soylent 2.0? :slight_smile:

Well… I did walk my pilgrimage (SJPdP - Santiago) last year, and I would’ve loved to be able to buy jimmyjoy-plennyshake bars for whilst on the road. For the first couple of days, as you don’t encounter shops that often, as well as for near the end, as food tends to get fairly expensive (the last 100km are fairly touristy). Even the powder would be fine, too, although that might be a bit too heavy… Maybe sell jimmyjoy-plennyshake at shops in SJPdP and at the Dutch albergue in Roncesvalles? Anyway, as you’re in Spain already, and the albergue is Dutch, I guess things should be possible, right?.. :S


I also buy jimmyjoy-plennyshake for a month and I love the delivery system. But I have some friends who don’t want to eat 95% jimmyjoy-plennyshake, but just some ocasional times and I think it would be awesome to be able to order it in Albert Heijn or other popular stores. This will really really make it more popular and less weird for new people.


True, the Albert Heijn would be great. It is a little too big atm however. Maybe next year.

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You might want to get in touch with this guy.

I would really suggest looking at the likes of Ekoplaza first. A product like jimmyjoy-plennyshake will get lost in a generic supermarket. If you aim for health stores first, these are the type of people who would look for a product like jimmyjoy-plennyshake.


I would suggest to supply jimmyjoy-plennyshake at the petrol stations along the highway, or at railway stations. For people on the go. Also perhaps at hotel receptions? I’m thinking when I have to be in a hotel for work and I don’t feel like eating out.


I wonder if it would go in the special diets section or the vitamin section in the supermarkets.

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The Swedish convenience store chain Pressbyrån could be an option. They are often placed near stations and target people that are on the go. Ready to drink versions and bars would fit here I think.

For the powder versions I think Life (lifebutiken.se) could work.


For Dutch shops I’d go for De Tuinen, since they also sell many supplements. Maybe you could also try something like “Ieder zijn Vak”, where you basically rent a shelf to put your products on.


Holland & Barrett in the UK, if the larger supermarket chains like Tesco/Sainsbury are too big atm?

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I would recommend the Rewe chain in Germany.


jimmyjoy-plennyshake in vending machines!!! That would be perfect in my opinion


@miketino23 I second that!

I could see this local place being interested in the vegan version:


It’s in the USA, but they have a ton of health foods, especially vegan and vegetarian stuff that’s rare and hard to find. Actually, I think they are either all-vegan or all-vegetarian when it comes to both their products AND employees.


I directly thought about Hackspaces (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackerspace) around the world. Our local Hackspace (and I think a lot more) are selling products of all kinds to visitors.
I think it would be the ideal spot to sell timesaving food to the right type of customers. As jimmyjoy-plennyshake would line along with things like “guaranabrause” (soda powder with A LOT of guarana) aso.

I’m not a member of our local hackspace, but if you want to contact them for questions about retail, you can do it here: https://mainframe.io/contact.en.dark.html

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Had to cancel my order in Depiline because they told me that the sipping would be done in 15 days, too much for me, so I ordered it online and that free shaker and the apple/cinnamon is too great for me!
Without that in Spain having that store in retail is fine, but maybe you can sell it in Naturhouse! There are many local stores here where you could make profit selling in them, but I only remember them :yum:

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We might be interested to do it in Spain! Please contact me!
