My goal is to just consume the plenny shake because I am a lazy person and by not eating properly as I have been doing, my life just loses its structures. I workout so the the 120g protein intake isn’t a problem.
What’s better for the body to be consumed along the day: 3 x 800kcal or 6 x 400kcal?
I think the best thing is not to set a strict rule for yourself. You can have plenny however you like and whichever works for you.
The way I use it: if I feel like cooking something then I cook, if I feel like having plenny then I have that instead. It just turns out 90% of the time I happen to choose plenny. It’s just so much easier and like you I am lazy.
I just think once you make it into a rule it somehow becomes a chore to keep up.
For me personally I’d find it too much to consume 800 calorie shakes in one sitting, I don’t think I could do it. But if it works for you then there’s no reason why not.
We believe the amount of calories you consume per meal depends on how your body responds to the diet structure you establish. A high-calorie shake might be a bit heavy on your stomach. Or maybe not. The best way would be to set a day with 3x800kcal and the next day 6x400kcal. Then you can make a comparison and adjust.
We would love to know how it is going for you, and which calorie distribution you chose