Discontinuing Pizza Bars?! Are you kidding me?!

That’s great to know.
Thank you! I will treasure the last remaining pizza bars :sweat_smile:

Just found out today, really sad. I personally didn’t like them very much but my girlfriend preferred them over any other Plenny Bar. I don’t understand why they don’t just prepare smaller batches of them, some people must have bought them.

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Please help her to get through this hard time and prepare for every step on the way Five stages of grief - Wikipedia
my commiserations :black_heart:


Sorry! We have to make these tough decisions sometimes to make room for new flavours, there’s a limit to the production options. For now, we still offer them in the mix-packs until September, but after that, they will unfortunately be gone.

Oh! feeling really sorry for you.


You can make it on your own :sweat_smile:

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Feel free to share the how-to here :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope the number of sales was not the only thing considered. This was the only savory bar. For people who like sweet, substituting one flavor for another is easy: there are plenty already! But for people who like savory, you might miss out on some potential customers who don’t find happiness in the other flavors!
And no, salted caramel is not a good alternative :stuck_out_tongue:

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Never the intention to let people miss out on happiness of course! We have dropped this on the desks of the R&D department on your and some other’s behalf as well. Hopefully there will be something for the savory lovers in the future.


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perhaps a cheese or peanut butter bar could help in the savory department heh

Nooooooooted, thanks for the suggestion :green_heart: