Discontinuing Pizza Bars?! Are you kidding me?!

First you took Mango away from me, my favorite - and no, it doesn’t taste at all like Passion Fruit - and now you’re taking away the only bar that I like!

What the hell…?! :sob:


Ohh nooo, it’s hitting you hard in this case, we’re sorry!
Same as with the Mango Shake, the Pizza Bar was one of the least popular Bars in our assortment and for this reason the tough choice was made to discontinue the Pizza Bars to make room for the next generation.
There will be good news on that part soon, so keep an eye out for the announcements about it.

It’s not personal! :green_heart:


I just bought my first batch of Plenny Shakes, looking forward to try Plenny Bars in the future (especially the pizza ones). Sad to hear about them being discontinued :frowning:

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Could see it coming.
I got Pizza Bars from 3 friends who ordered and did’nt like them.
I really liked them but on the other hand Caramel Seasalt and Almond Fig are also good.
Hope it’s not replaced by another generic sweet flavour or the always gross lemon cheescake thing.

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Mango was my favourite shake, pizza was my favourite bar. I’m devastated :worried: They were really unique and creative flavours too, I’m surprised they weren’t as popular.

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I’m not surprised, out of the bars I tried, it was the only one I had to return.

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I was about to order some pizza bars :frowning: Would the flavour mix still have them in?

I tried the Pizza bar and the first half was tangy and warm and sweet and sour and I was really into it, but quite abruptly it became just too much and I washed it down with a litre of water. I feel sorry for anyone craving this taste now, maybe you should give your discontinued flavours a bid to farewell with producing a last batch and cater directly to your former flavour customers. I bought a bag of Mango with my next delivery as I will miss that more natural taste of Mango instead of Passionfruit (which is just okay).
The taste buds of us Jimmy Joy customers seem to be strange. Vanilla, which should be the most plain vanilla flavour, was actually the one I can’t stand. I almost had to spit it out and still it might be one of the most bought flavours.
The vanilla bar also was tasting like perfume to me.
Please do never never never discontinue Caramel Seasalt.
I am keen on trying the new teased flavour(s)!

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I also noticed that the Almond Fig flavour is not available and the Vanille flavour is out of stock. It is a shame that there are now just three flavours. Will Almond Fig and Vanille be available again?

I felt the same way. I think I would’ve liked them more if they were a little milder. Maybe more tomatoey/herby than cheezy, too. I really wanted to like these since they’re the only salty meal next to plenny pots (which I find too spicy unfortunately). But they were a bit too intense for me.


Wow! The end of the best bar :sob:
I mean… it was better right after it came out. At some point the quality seemed to become inconsistent with bars being either super bendy or super chewy (I thought it was based on how old they were, but I just had one of both in my last batch), but I liked the taste.

I guess I’ll have to go back to the non-savory bars :confused:

Yes, they will still be included in that for now.

For sure! Luckily, those are only out of stock until the end of this month as it’s looking now.
We will update the website as soon as we have those back available.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Not to worry, replacements are on the way.

Got at least a rough estimate for what soon means? I was about to order more bars but between this and Vanilla being out of stock I guess I have to try to wait a while.

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Hi Daniel,

I think it would be easier if I could order them right away with a delivery time of 2 or 3 weeks so I do not have to wait to place my order and they are shipped directly when they are in stock again. If this is not possible maybe an option for a reminder mail would be interesting so I get an e-mail when they are back in stock and I do not have to check the website.

Not one we can communicate on yet, sorry!
The Vanilla Bars should be back before the end of the month, we will update the website as soon as we can fulfil on those again. Sorry for the inconvenience of that.

Agree, this is an option we have been looking into. We have the option to set a notification, but it will only be active to set when all of the flavours of a certain product would be unavailable. Setting it for specific flavours only is not an option yet, but we are looking into this with the developers.

What the fork? When did that happen and why nobody notified us properly? :astonished:

It was, by far, my favorite one. I was looking forward to my “Friday work lunch pizza bar” :sob:

I have a subscription for the flavour mix ready to ship next week. What will happen to it? Wich flavors does it have? Wich one is the one that took the pizza place?

Hi @Mr.Floppy the flavour mix will still contain 2 pizza bars (for now) - they will be replaced over summer by a new flavour :slight_smile: