How much flaxseed in Plennyshake Sport?

Hi there

I was wondering if anyone could tell me the amount of ground flaxseed in Plennyshake Sport? I’ve used Huel before but had to discontinue because of high amounts of ground flaxseed (60g per 2000 cal) which did not work for me. I really like the fact that with Plennyshake Sport, I won’t have to spend money on creatine, ALCAR etc. But the amount of flaxseed is a concern. Thanks

Hey ps92!

We use ground flaxseed whereby the amount of flaxseed can be added in very small amounts in comparison to broken flaxseed.
I can tell you that we use a lot less then 60 gram per 2000kcal!

I hope my answer suits you, if you need more info, let me know!


Thanks, appreciate your response.
I was going for less than 10 grams. Do you think you use around that amount?

Also, a question about your ingredient composition and maltodextrin in particular. Other powdered food supplements publish the percent of major ingredients used. I could not find the same for Plennyshake, did I miss anything?

Edit: The reason I am concerned about flaxseed in particular is lignans and estrogenic symptoms


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Hello PS92,

Yep, less then 10 grams of ground flaxseed.

Maltodextrin covers 5% of the total kcal and half of the carbonhydrates.

Re: Maltodextrin, did you mean 25% because otherwise math does not add up. Thanks

Dear PS92,

I can’t give you the exact amount, but the maltodextrin is added somewhere around 25% yes.