If you had to live off one specific product and flavour of JJ for the rest of your life, what would it be? 👀

I’m very curious to try the neutral taste but I’m scared that I may not like it. Is it tasteless or simply very bland?

I did not like the active neutral taste in the beginning after switching from flavoured (chocolate was my favorite) to the active neutral shake. Got used to it after 1-2 weeks, now I really like the neutral shake and drink 2-3 shakes everyday.
The taste profile is mainly oats and soy, it is somewhat bland, maybe like bread, but in the oaty/soy way. I add cocoa or coffee to add different flavors per day.


Thanks for that addition!
This is something more people will experience so it’s great you’ve shared your experience on this, most things take time to get used to a little. Especially when it’s a switch from full flavour to something designed to be bland in a way. With the Active - Neutral we see a lot of creativity come out. It’s a good one to have as basis and add your own flavour to in whatever way you see fit :wink:

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Considering it would be mango, I guess I’d starve… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ahhhw nooo, we can’t have that happening, how about a swap to Passion Fruit or the new one, Apple-Cinnamon?
I, myself, was a big fan of the Mango as well, but Apple Cinnamon has already taken that place for me. I very much hope you will find a new fave. :green_heart:

chocolate bar v2 was the best imo, couldn’t get enough of it

now drinking chocolate v2 drink in every morning and having the chocolate active shakemixed with coconut v3 for dinner or lunch… that combo is very good


Chocolate shake

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Mushroom Risotto Plenny Pot

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