New formula [MEGA THREAD]

Yeah, sold as non-GMO, but no one checks the product.

I would be more worried about contamination and pesticides, Ukraine isn’t exactly a well regulated country.

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Thanks, will check.


Just chiming in here (since the protein specific thread was locked :/) to say I’ve placed my last order until something’s done about this new formula. The decrease in protein/increase in carbs killed this for me as a viable meal replacement along with so many others. Truly disappointed.

Hey, thanks for your feedback. Have you checked the Active version? It has a higher protein content than the original.

So if i get this straight, the normal shakes are vegan now? Why are you doing this to us normal people and why do these pesky vegans have to ruin everything for everyone else? Seriously!

I miss the old shake, the high protein shake.
I miss the rough shake, the not so smooth shake.
I miss the normal shake, the none vegan shake.

Please consider to bring it back. Thank You!


Sorry. We really wanted to be vegan because it is sustainable.



So Active vs. Normal Shake (one time purchase prices):

Active : 1 ,54 € / 500 kcal = 0,308 € / 100 kcal
7,70 € / 643 g = 0,012 € / g

Normal: 1,22 € / 400 kcal = 0,305 € / 100 kcal
6,12 € / 478 g = 0,013 €/ g

That means Active is 3 cents more expensive per 100 kcal, 12 cents per 400 kcal meal and has only one flavor. But is 0,001 € cheaper per gramm than normal. Is that correct?

If yes, i would be pleased if you could add more flavors to active so i don’t end up being a banana. Thank you!

Iam making a neutral version with flavorpacks right here:

EDIT: flavour packs wont be a thing after consideration. We are now making flavoured Big Bags.


Hi again,

The protein value is now on par with what I expected ( can you disclose the ratio between protein sources? oats, soy flour, soy protein?).
As you stated initially “Contributors to the formula will be able to buy it for the pre-order price into the future” is still valid? ( in particular the “16 to 21 October: 20,- EUR” pricing per bag?
When will the flavorpacks ingredients/price will be available?
When is the release/shipping date expected? ( to manage my remains of my old JJ stock).

Best regards.

Saw now on site that the shipping date is after week 48 ( so from 26th November. 18-23-16-59

My actual JJ stock will end much before.
Since no replies yet, to some important questions made, I will wait for others opinion on the product itself.

I just tried the new formula with mango, didn’t like the smoothness at all. :’( I really prefer a more chunky oaty shake. It smelled better before and it was more mild in its taste. This new formula is too sharp for me, it tasted a bit like burnt sugary popcorn(?).

I started with Jimmy Joy some 18 months ago and got hooked instantly. I really loved the previous recipe and it felt healthy. I usually eat a shake every work day and couldn’t get enough of the mango flavored. :slight_smile: I also enoyed vanilla and sometimes some chocolate and strawberry. At first I was laughed at at the office for “not eating food” but I have since then converted three colleges. :slight_smile: They also didn’t like the new recipe though so I am really hoping for some good change… :frowning:

Reading the discussions above I would gladly see more oats and less maltodextrin. And higher part protein since I am active during my free time. Hmm… protein wise though, I could opt for the active instead so I guess it is actually not a problem for me. The prize is not an issue at all (within sane limits). I didn’t buy the vegan alternative before but I wish I did so I could compare the taste difference between whey and soy protein. Is it a big difference? Perhaps that is also a reason I (and my colleges) didn’t like this?

Will order a Big Bag and see if that is better. Hoping for some flavor packs though as I don’t intend to mix my own. I use Jimmy Joy to be healthy at the same time as I don’t have to spend time with food preparations.

I am considering returning my shipment of the new flavors and try some alternatives while waiting for the Big Bag. Really like the big bag concept though!

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Hey, so I’ve been using JJ for some time, and was excited to see and try the new formula. I haven’t had a shipment since before the change, but I noticed; it is not available in the US just yet. Any idea when it will become available Stateside?

Second-third week of November. There would also be Plenny Drink in that shipment so you will be fully up to speed (except the new bag, I guess).

Hey there. I just wanted to bring up this new study about Inulin (soluble fiber), which has been connected to higher risk of liver cancer on mice with a particular microbiome state:

Just to take it into account if possible, adding to what patricius commented before.

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A vegan shake with the right aminoacid profile is as nutritious as a whey based one. The only difference may be abortion rate, which you may want to take into account if you are drinking after exercise or something like that. In that case you should just drink whatever protein shake you want. Why do you prefer whey based, do you think it is better?

The old formula had a very pleasant mouthfeel when mixed with milk (never mixed with water, so I can’t comment on that). The slightly-forward oat taste was nice, as it gave my body something familiar that resembled a meal as opposed to a drink (psychosomatic effect towards satiety). Going towards a more-varied protein profile (not just soy, but adding in whey, casein, pea, maybe some chia or flax seed) would be great. The old bags were too narrow, making it very easy to “feed the countertops” as my wife used to say; any adjustment to make it easier to get my hand and scoop in there would be welcome (maybe going for a tub?). Larger-quantity bags/tubs would be amazing for reducing the amount of trash generated, as long as the powder can go 3-5 days without spoiling.

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I think using WHO and EFSA macronutrient guidelines and avoiding food fads is a good idea.

Also, why are some people opposed to maltodextrin? It is a corn-based carbohydrate.

So I’m pretty happy with the status quo. It seems that some people think they will be healthier if they consume more protein than they need to - but they probably wouldn’t be. It is unwise imo to buy into this recent trend (paleo, keto, Atkins, or whatever it is being called this month) that says carbohydrates are bad and large amounts of protein are wonderful.

Please keep offering a vegan option. And thanks for listening!

Because it has a GI of 85, aka it breakes down really fast and is converted into glucose, causing spikes in blood sugar levels. Thus is something people with insulin resistance symptoms look out for. I guess very broadly speaking people tag them with the same aura as sugars (not that I am agreeing with this).

On top of that maltodextrin is a highly processed carbohydrate, it can be done with GMO corn and it is related to corn syrup.

If you only eat simple carbs, then sure it may have those effects. But with a balanced mix of complex and less complex carbs the effect becomes invisible. With other macro’s like in ours the GI averages 30-40

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Ye, maybe I should ahve made that point more clear. I wasn’t taking about Plenny shake but maltodextrin on its own.

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