New Plenny Shake Speculoos

Never has a flavour been embraced more here in the office than this one. Now it’s your turn. Speculoos: the best invention from Belgium after the Smurfs. A festive and comforting cookie flavour with a dash of cinnamon. 20g plant protein | 26 vitamins and minerals | High fibre, low sugar | Probiotics.


I love speculoos so i’m gonna try this one, really curious what it tastes like in shake form. I’m also curious what people who never tasted speculoos will think of it.
And the browser cookie joke is pretty funny

Agree with the cookie joke but the speculoos taste is not great. It has an almost perfume like taste to it and it is too sweet to my taste. I’m weened on caramel seasalt and i’m a bit disappointed that that wonderful taste has to go. It is the only taste that had a bit of savoury to it. The rest of the shakes are too fruity.

Years ago they had tomato and such and life was good then.

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It’s a good thing you mentioned the cinnamon so I knew to avoid this flavour based on my experience with Apple Cinnamon.

I really like the Speculoos shake! I agree that it’s has a kind of flowery/perfumey taste to it. But I don’t mind. I just like that it’s really flavorful. Take the Lemon Pie shake for example. It’s just too bland. The idea is good, but it needs more lemon flavor. I’ve felt the same with other flavors as well like the peach one. With Speculoos it’s much better!

Finally ate through the older bags I had, so I’m now eating the Speculoos one, and…

I like it! It’s on the sweet side, but the nutritional values seem alright so I don’t mind :smiley: I like to switch between flavors anyway, this is a great one to have in the collection