Plenny Drink chocolate tastes very different than PlennyShake Chocolate

Hi, I usually order a pack or two of Plenny Drink chocolate among other things and I love the taste of it. I also always order some PlennyShake and I thought I should buy chocolate because I liked it so much as the pre-mixed drink. However, I find that when I mix it myself, it tastes completely different and I don’t really like it at all.

How come the taste is so different? Isn’t Plenny Drink the exact same product but just pre mixed with water?

Hi @FerdiMarti !

We are sorry to read you had such disappointment! We want to make it clear that our Plenny drink and Plenny shake are intended to be separate products with their own distinct features, and we never meant to portray the drink as a pre-mixed version of the powder. So they taste different because they have different recipes.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer care team at They will do everything in their power to find the perfect solution to make things right for you. :green_heart:

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Ok, I see. Thank you for the clarification! To be clear, I like other flavours of the PlennyShake, so I didn’t mean it as a complaint. I was just curious :smiley:

no worries! :sweat_smile: at least you like other flavours!

I have to admit the same happened to me!
Bought the new plenny drink chocolate to taste it and loved it, while I was not a big fan of chocolate powder. Then decided to give plenny shake chocolate v3 another chance and …it’s not bad, but similar as I remembered, and of course not the same as the drink version :slight_smile:

I also have to say I prefer 100 times vanilla plenny shake than is plenny drink version, it has a “metal” akward taste I cannot enjoy.

I know what to buy now, just an idea, maybe you could change the name to avoid that incorrect assumption.

hey @xavimc !

Changing the flavour name could be an option. We were not aware there could be this type of misunderstanding :thinking: Thanks for your feedback!

This will be discussed with the team :hugs: