I just thought about how the meal instructions wouldn’t fit my own needs and that 2100 kcal was too much for me personally. Then I found out something and thought I should share it with you all When I ordered my very first jimmyjoy-plennyshake package, I got this cute round cup like measuring spoon. On the ground stays Measurex and 90 CC. Now I tried around a little bit with jimmyjoy-plennyshake powder and water amounts and found out, that this measure spoon (if filled completely (no hills! flat ground xD)) gives you a perfect meal!
If you do one filled measure spoon inside a cup (like a middle sized coffee cup that can hold around 300ml) and then add 200ml of water (exactly measured by me) and mix it up firmly, you have a nice small meal. I wasn’t really hungry after this anymore. But at the same time I didn’t feel stuffed. My blood sugar levels were lower and more constant, because I ate 9 or 10 cups per day around the day. No up and down so much
Before I did it this way, I felt way of weird (like dizzy) when drinking a whole shaker bottle of jimmyjoy-plennyshake
I felt so strange and lightheaded. Stuffed in my stomach and at the same time weird in my head
Now with my variant I stretched the intake more evenly over the day without big shots of ingredients inside my body at once. I felt bad before somehow. On a weird way
Dizzy and powerless… I don’t know if this comes from the sugar intake that is much faster digested if taken fluidly. I just felt bad v.v But now with these small servings I felt awesome. Even my stomach could shrink a bit and I didn’t need such big stuffing meals anymore. I felt better overall. No power shots at eating and then downs after some time until I felt before (I am very sensitive on this). And because of the way I measured the meals, I could decide better about how much of a bag per day I ate. It was easier to have a meal freshly mixed and I had around 10 meals inside the bag. So I knew one meal (cup) had 210 kcal. I then ate around 6-8 cups per day which means around 1200 - 1600 kcal’s
It is easier to eat smaller cups of it and you feel lighter around the day but still have your kcal’s you need
And your blood sugar stays more constant, because you have smaller sized intakes but more per day. Comes closer to what meal professionals say (around 5 meals per day or more but smaller ones). And because you have jimmyjoy-plennyshake, you can do these 200ml cups at home and just take them with you or if you don’t need to have it freshly mixed to enjoy (like I like it the most) you can take two shaker bottles with you and just mix it the same way. 1 measure cup per 200ml of water. Then drink it from a cup at work or wherever you are
All 2 hours one. It takes a little time to get used to small meals, but you will feel awesome. Try it out and tell me what you think about my idea! :3 Oh yeah, please dear jimmyjoy-plennyshake team bring back these measure cups in your store! They are awesome and I just love mine. But they aren’t available in your shop and when mine will break someday (on the handle) or because of age (mechanical flexibility of the plastic will go away someday) I can’t order a new one
But I’m really used to use this measure spoon for one serving. It has the perfect size for powder that fits for 200ml of water (a cup)
Oh yeah and to you all, if you have issues with crumbs that don’t dissolve that easily, there are mini mixers out there for milk foam (for coffee). You can use them to mix it easier without much hassle! And they are small and lightweight! Just a pro-tip for people that don’T want to crush all these balls made out of water and jimmyjoy-plennyshake with your spoons by pushing them against the cup walls lol
Thanks for the post! That’s a really interesting spin on eating jimmyjoy-plennyshake, @spantherix! Glad it’s working out for you and perhaps you’ll help some jimmyjoy-plennyshakeeers out .
The scoops are back in stock and are added to your order automatically, that’s why they’re not visible on the website atm!
OOoh I’m going to try this Monday! (I’ve written it down in my agenda, that is. ) Anyway, I’ll let you know my findings!
Do you gulp the cup down in one go, or how do you manage the ‘shaking’? What does your measuring spoon look like? I do have access to those spoon-thingies, but I’m not sure those have the same markings/ sizes as the ones jimmyjoy-plennyshake ships…
Um I do not need to shake it. I stir it inside the cup with a mobile stick like milk frother! This thing stirs so fast that all crumbs get destroyed and it mixes everything very well ^^ Yes I gulp down the whole 200ml cup at once
But it is a small portion, so I feel light and good
My measuring spoon is this small thingy I got from jimmyjoy-plennyshake. It has Measurex 90 CC written on the bottom. It works perfect with 200ml (one cup) of water if filled up to the highest possible point but flat (no powder hills please! xD) and so I have around 10 small meals each 210kcal per bag
You better go with the jimmyjoy-plennyshake shipped ones. I have this one here with the long handle: http://www.nationalmeasures.com/wp-content/uploads/90cc-350x233.jpg
We did do something with this at work, and I wanted to reply as a new topic about it (spoiler: it would’ve been called ‘Scribbs and the adventures in Joy-slush-puppie-machine-land’). However, so far, I wasn’t able to free up some time to write a bit.
Anyway, your idea had not been forgotten, and has been tested, eh, extensively.