RIP mocha bar and apple cinnamon shake

JJ apparently retires the mocha bar and apple cinnamon and passion fruit shakes. I haven’t tried passion fruit but actually liked apple cinnamon. Mocha was okayish but need it for the caffeine :smiley: I often consume plenny bars during long hikes or cycling and the caffeine gives me a bit of additional boost.

JJ, is there any plan to add a new plenny bar flavor with caffeine?


I don’t care for anything coffee but the apple cinnamon shake will be missed :sob: it was one of my favourites. RIP. I really hope they come out with new flavours very soon because i like to cycle through all of them. One thing I like about JJ is the great variety and this variety is getting smaller now :frowning:


JJ, is there any plan to add a new plenny bar flavor with caffeine?

No plans as of yet for this, but I will make sure the request lands on the right desks for you, thanks!


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One thing I like about JJ is the great variety and this variety is getting smaller now

When one goes, something else will return. I can not ruin the surprise for that yet, but I very much hope it will be a worthy replacement for you. :crossed_fingers:


Sounds promising :smiley:

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very sad to learn about the appel cinnamon shake going away. it has been a staple of my orders since it first appeared. very good to mix with other flavours too, especially lemon pie and vanilla. plus, was just about to try the passion fruit shake. :((


Yea the apple cinnamon will be sorely missed… it’s got a bit of a different texture to it, which helps to mix things up, and I just like the flavour too. Is it that it never recovered from the ‘lumpy’ start that it had? Being that for the first few months it had little chewy bits of apple in there? I could imagine many people that tried it then and never ordered it again…


Mocha :frowning: Just now that I started adding it to all my orders.

Maybe for the next one something with a similar taste but without the caffeine so we can eat it any time of the day? :wink:


Where did you get this information? At the German webstore one flavour is out of stock but the others are still offered.

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They sent out a newsletter about it

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Could you give a list of all the products that are going to be discontinued?

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Plenny shake apple cinnamon & passion fruit + plenny bar mocha

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No, that is not one that’s in the planning currently, I will make the note for the request accordingly, thank you!