Almond and Fig Plenny Bar

Hi there, I just received two free sample of new flavours for Plenny Bar and as thanks I thought I’d share my feedback.

I just ate the Almond and Fig bar and I have to say I was very surprised! Just for background information I ordered the Sea Salt Caramel Bar in the past and wasn’t a big fan. It felt too heavy, too salty, I really struggled to finish them and I still have a couple laying about in my pantry…

But this was completely different, it was VERY tasty (loved finding and biting into full almonds here and there) and I was kind of sad when I finished it simply because I liked it so much. But I also feel completely satisfied with no desire to eat more, so it was really perfect.

Kinda made me curious to try the new vanilla and chocolate flavors, I had written them off due the experience with the salty caramel bars…

The other bar I got is coffee and hazelnuts, I’m a little hesitant because I am not a fan of hazelnut coffee, but I’ll give it a try in the coming days. Thanks.


So the cat is out of the bag!

Almond & Fig
Coffee & Hazelnut

At first impression, not what I expected and not the biggest fan (especially of figs :dizzy_face:, and the coffee one it’s not super exciting because everyone is doing it) but I’d surely like to try.

Thanks for the info :+1:t2:

So, no peanut butter :frowning:

We have a bar in the works that might even surprise you! :wink: We can’t wait to present it.

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Me neither! I love surprises :sweat_smile:

I just got the hazelnut and coffee flavour in my order, no fig bar. At first the coffee flavour tasted really good, but as I ate the bar the hazelnut kicked in and it left a weird aftertaste. I think if it were sweeter or just coffee it would be delicious. I think pure hazelnut + coffee are a bit too strong, competitive flavours.

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My GF also got only the hazelnut and coffee, but for us it was delicious, I probably wouldn’t like it if it were sweeter.

I just got my package, and I agree the fig and almond (v6) would be a go for me, maybe a tinsy tiny bit of extra suggar flavor but that may be my sweet tooth talking ^^. I currently place it above the chocolate and bellow the vanilla (which is a killer) in my plenny bar top list.
I still have to test the coffee & hazzelnuts as a tea guy, I’m not sure what it will taste for me.

So I finally tried the coffee and hazelnut bar.

Unfortunately as expected I pretty much hated it haha. I’ve always disliked coffee hazelnut flavor in everything, so at the very least I can say it tasted as expected, which is a plus if you do like hazelnut coffee flavor :sweat_smile:

I would however 100% order the fig bar when they are released :smile: can’t wait :heart_eyes:

Here’s an opinion from a caramel sea salt fan, about Almond & Fig and Hazelnut & Coffee

Almond & Fig:
It reminds me of trying to eat dates (the fruit), though that might be because I don’t think I ever ate figs. They both tend to be kind of sticky, and hard to chew through, though the definitely benefit here is that everything actually CAN be bit through. I’m not a huge fan, though I didn’t dislike it either. I liked that there were big nuts in there (get your mind out of the gutter). There were some smaller crunchy bits I could not identify, which tended to get stuck on my teeth somehow.

Hazelnut & Coffee v16
Also kind of tough to chew through, but that didn’t really bother me by the end. In this case I did like the smaller crunchy bits, and didn’t have the problem described above. Somehow the smell of eating this one reminded me more of cigarettes than coffee, though I haven’t ever drunk coffee or smoked, so how could I know. I had to get used it.

Overall I much prefer caramel sea salt, though I think the crunchy parts of the Hazelnut & Coffee are something I think might work in all the bars.


I have actually never ordered the bars before, only shakes, but after tasting these two new bars I will definitely order some in the future!

Almond & Fig: It is mainly what I would expect from a fig bar, but then the full-sized almonds in it are really nice. They create more of a bite, contrary to the more squishy fig parts of the bar. The only improvement for me would be to make it less sweet, but I suppose that would be difficult when using figs as a main component.

Hazelnut & Coffee: At first I found it a little dry, but after a couple of bites I actually appreciate the crunchiness. This makes it less heavy, which is nice considering the quite intense taste. I also like how it has a proper balance between sweet and salt, so you don’t get bored so fast (as I do with the vanilla taste shake, for example). I wouldn’t really know what too improve, keep it up!


Aaaaawesome, thanks for taking the time to post this <3

Glad to hear your overall impression was this good!

Bit of a late reply/review here (so maybe the following is not relevant anymore), but I was also lucky to receive a coffee/hazelnut bar (no fig/almond though:/).

I definitely liked the hazelnut part of it, but not sure if I liked the coffee part. I am a big fan of coffee (espresso all day) so maybe because of that I didn’t like the coffee flavour, at least compared to the flavour of actual coffee. I also thought the bar could be a bit less dry, as that might make it easier and nicer to eat. That being said, the crunch of the bar was quite nice indeed.

As far as the fig/almond one is concerned, I would simply order it if it bcomes available, as (on paper) it sounds highly appealing to me! I imagine the figs bringing something fresh and sour to the bar, which would set it apart from the rest. Maybe the hazelnut can also be developed with another fruit, like apricots or dates.

Hope this (still) helps. Keep up the good work and innovation. Never enough change!

It’s always relevant, Job! We appreciate feedback at any time :slight_smile:

I suppose giving products the handle of having a ‘coffee flavor’ sets expectations, cause probably everyone has a different idea of what a good cup of coffee tastes like and how that would translate to a solid oat-based product! So that’s a little tricky…

I recently tried the Almond & Fig bar, and I must say it tasted pretty good!
Had a bit of an allergic reaction to it though. Me and nuts don’t always go well together. Strange that this didn’t bother me with the Hazelnut & Coffee bar.

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Hmm, maybe it’s the (fig) seeds instead of the nuts ?

Ah yes indeed, that could also be the case. No idea. Anyway, too bad, since I liked the taste of it.

I also wanted to share my feedback on the two newcomer bars.

Hazelnut Coffee: I am usually not a big fan of coffee, but this one worked really great! Could definitely see this become a staple in my meal bar shelf. It’s a flavour that reminds me a little of nutella, but with less chocolate taste (which as a chocoholic I would not mind wink wink)

Almond fig: Personally, I didn’t like this one so much. I really like that there is a fruity flavour coming to the lineup, but to me, they taste somewhat too bland. If the almonds were roasted, I think this would be a different story. I could see roasted almonds bringing the bar to life really well!

I’d love to see another fruit flavoured bar like berries or banana :slight_smile:


great feedback, Danny! Appreciate you taking the time to get into this <3

Just tried v6 and v11 fig and almond bars

  • v6: Stated with that one. I was a little reluctant to bite in at first after catching a sniff, but wow did it taste great. There was a ton of crunchy almonds, the fig taste was pronounced but not enough to overwhelm the almonds. Despite the lack of oats and the big almond pieces, the bar held up great. The distinctive crunch of the fig seeds were unexpected, but made the bar feel more “real”

  • v11: Not sure if it’s the lack of sweetener, but I couldn’t taste as much fig. There was still a fruity flavor, but it didn’t register as fig. It also felt like there were way less than 15% almond decrease listed in the ingredients, but that might be because of the oats overwhelming them. The texture is much closer to the Caramel, but it’s definitely not as satisfying to eat. I didn’t get any of the crunches from the fig seeds. Smell was identical