What would be the worst Plenny shake flavour?

With all this discussion going on about what flavour people would want next, I thought this would be fun to investigate. :smile:

So, what do you think would be the worst (food-/drink-based) flavour?
For added difficulty: pick a food/drink that you normally like, but would not make a good flavour.

I think for me, although I like tomatoes, it would not make a good flavour :confounded:


For ā€˜normally like, but not for a drinkā€™, Iā€™d probably include:

  • non-sweet entrees
    • fish / sushi
    • eggs / omelette
    • ground beef
  • non-sweet snacks
    • popcorn
    • potato chips
    • dill pickles
  • non-sweet condiments
    • ketchup
    • mustard
    • mayonnaise

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty of other areas, those are just my guesses. :smile:


I love sushi, but yeah sushi Plenny shake definitely sounds gross. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I think sweetened popcorn would actually not be that bad as a Jimmy Joy flavour, but salted popcorn would (though I donā€™t like salted popcorn anyway).


Erm yeah; I think anything salty will taste badā€¦ Salty popcorn is on the top of my list. :slight_smile: (Or bottom, depending on how youā€™re holding it. :stuck_out_tongue: ) I love popcorn, but salty popcorn as Plenny shakeā€¦ Yikes :worried:

Mold. Ever left a shaker out too long without cleaning it?
It ainā€™t pretty.

But seriously: I already think that Strawberry is very close to being rather unpleasant, but the thought of eggs, fish or meat gives me a rather upset stomach already.

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When someone mentioned fish, I had to think about the delicacy of the north: ā€œSurstrƶmmingā€ā€¦

EDIT: Link added: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surstrƶmming

Another one: Durian. Although it does smell, it seems to taste greatā€¦


Worst nightmare would be:


Cilantro!!! :fearful:

Just the thought of it just destroyed my appetite for the coming years. :scream:


Cilantro haters: its not your fault.


Those are some pretty bad flavours indeed. I think a lot of ā€œdelicaciesā€ would make bad flavours, although some of them already taste bad. For example, escargot is something I will never ever eat, and certainly not in Plenny shake flavour. Also, another one for the fish-flavour Plenny shake: the Dutch seem to really like salty or sour herring with onions (imagine that as a flavour :confounded:).

Though, if we wanted a Dutch flavour, an actual good one could be stroopwafel :open_mouth:

Stroopwafel? What about these ones then:

  • Poffertjes
  • Appeltaart
  • Drop (liquorice)
  • Butter Waffles
  • Cherry Sticks

Noooo!!! No liquorice flavor!!! Have mercy!! :confounded:


It is funny that you :heart: a comment about cilantro, and balked at licorice. Because both those are found on lists of ā€œThe top 10 foods people really like or really dislike.ā€

Eggplant and beets are also on most of these lists. Apparently there are a handful of foods that people either love or hate, with very little middle ground.

Hereā€™s a sample list: Polarizing foods


pina colada

Baby wipes
Lawn clippings

Dog foodā€¦ :laughing::laughing::laughing: must be horrible!

Bacon mentholā€¦


Medical tube feed for hospital coma patients

Are you sure that you normally like all that stuff, just wouldnā€™t want it as a JJ flavour for the powder?

Surstrƶmming flavour would be interesting. :smiley:


yeaaaa lets not do that :laughing:

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