What's the inulin content of different Plenny shake flavors?

I’ve done some reading and experiments with inulin, using meal shakes and straight inulin powder, under different conditions to figure out how to use it.

I read that gut microbiota gradually adjust to inulin levels over time, and may grow gassy on sudden changes. Recommendation is to start at 2g/day and increase gradually over 4 weeks up to 5g-10g/day - or at your desired shake intake or inulin tolerance limit.

If one skips the regularly scheduled inulin-containing shake, it helps to have a powdered inulin supplement in water, to keep the microbiota calm, as I found a sudden decrease in inulin also upsets them.

Inulin is a FODMAP, so bloating and gas is massively increased if inulin is mixed up in the gut with other high FODMAP foods: wheat, and most fruit and veg. The worst gas I found is from taking an inulin-containing shake to “top up” the calories intake after a FODMAP-containing meal…

The best way I found to use an inulin-containing shake is as a full meal replacement (so no other food an hour before or after). It also works well as “first thing in the morning” shake to be followed later by a low-FODMAP breakfast (e.g. oats, eggs & sausage), or last-thing-at-night at least 3-4 hours after eating dinner.

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